Fresh Software

August 3, 2004 fancykestrel83 Comments Off

Company Information – About

Fresh Software was founded on July 29, 1998 by Andrew Niese of central Wisconsin. Then 15, his ambitions were to take his programming talent and creativity and eventually turn them into profit as a respectable business.

It’s first products were freeware utilities to combat the trojan horse threat that was just beginning to emerge at that time. Fresh Software received almost overnight worldwide recognition for it’s AntiGen program in August of that year, writing the first “BackOrifice” trojan cleaning program ever.

In late March 1999, Fresh Software released it’s first commercial product, Sentry Professional, which was met with enthusiasm for being a truly unique product to secure a computer workstation when not in use. Fresh Software’s next product was based on an earlier freeware program called “X-NetStat”, created before Fresh Software’s conception. Version 3.0 of X-NetStat was rewritten and sold for the price of $5 dollars, where it was received to a broad audience.

Although Fresh Software has in the past been very much “part time”, limited by high school, Andrew has recently been able to go full time with Fresh Software and other business endeavors after graduating in January 2001. Currently, Andrew is working on establishing the utmost professionalism with his shareware business, leading it into further recognition and success worldwide.