Fresh Software – Custom programming

July 10, 2001 fancykestrel83 Comments Off
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Introduction: Custom programming, software engineering, and application design

Software. Everybody uses it, but not everybody knows exactly how it is created nor how it works. We do, and we would be glad to make the connection for users who don’t. Fresh Software offers a broad range of custom programming services on the Windows™ and MS-DOS™ platforms. We have over 7 years of computer programming experience, and are now giving you the opportunity to harness our experience for your own uses.

No application is too small, after all – that’s how we started.

Our development tools: what we use

Fresh Software uses a variety of development platforms to write software solutions:


  • Delphi (Object Oriented Pascal): Currently our development tool of choice, Delphi allows us to write powerful Windows programs in minimal time. Delphi is used to write all kinds of applications, simple to elaborate.
  • Visual Basic (Object Oriented BASIC): Fresh Software used to program in this interpretation of the BASIC programming language, but has since moved on to Delphi, a more advanced platform.


  • QuickBasic (compiled BASIC): QuickBasic is a more professional version of the “QBASIC” utility that shipped with MS-DOS. QuickBasic has enough power to handle system registers and devices, and is great for making DOS based console applications. Applications are as small as 22kb in size.
  • Turbo Pascal (compiled Pascal): More low level than QuickBasic, Turbo Pascal can compile applications that run faster and take miniscule amounts of disk space (3 kb or more)
  • VB-DOS (Object Oriented BASIC for DOS platform): VisualBasic for MS-DOS is a very little known, very unique development platform. It can create applications, around 100 KB in size, that behave exactly like Windows applications. If you need your application made for DOS, consider choosing VB-DOS to develop it, and give your users a familiar graphical user interface.
  • DOS Batch files: Quick and easy way to copy, delete, rename, execute and move files, among other functions, and great for making crude and bare-bone installations for DOS.

Our clients

Client list coming soon.

Arrangements & Contact: Let us work for you

Fresh Software has a reputation for quality and innovative software, and that repuatation will extend to your custom applications if you choose to hire us. No task is too small, no ideas ridiculous. With Fresh Software, it can happen, at a low price.

To get started, simply email us with what you have in mind. We will reply promptly determining whether the project is feasible for our work force and schedules, and a time and cost estimate if the signs look go.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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