:: View topic – Malfuntion??

February 9, 2005 fancykestrel83 Comments Off
Hey Betaguy,
Whats the deal? I tried checkin’ in on the xnetstat beta testers forum and it gave me message that only ‘special users’ can view that area. Do you have to approve the members and then we get access ? Could it be I just signed up less than an hour ago and this program doesn’t recognise me yet ? Just curious… Lacey Betaguy,

after checkin’ the members list I realized I am registered as another user (geminipussycat) is this gonna be a problem ? I noticed that my previous post have marked me as a guest and I wondered why. I assume it has something to do with 2 user names. Is there a way to combine them or do I need to eliminate 1 or what?