SuperSnoop beta program

August 24, 2002 fancykestrel83 Comments Off
Version 1?
Version 2 Info
Beta program

Note: SuperSnoop beta is closed as of August 11th. Thanks to everyone who signed up. It is possible that the beta will open again sometime in the future, but for now we have plenty of testers. Our apologizes to any of you who were late to sign up. Please do not email Fresh Software asking to be let in to the beta. Thanks.

Version 2 of SuperSnoop is just around the corner! Well, maybe. Even with programs made in Delphi, there are irks and bugs. So right now Fresh Software is looking for a few good testers – beta testers – to aggressively test the product before the public gets its hands on it. Think you have what it takes? Ha, be prepared for an aggressive test. Read on.

Your goal:

Download SuperSnoop v2 and be seriously unkind to it. Try to make it crash. Taunt it. Abuse it. Drive it over the edge. And when you find flaws that make SS crack like an egg, submit the results. When you get to know the program a bit, tell us what needs to be better about it. Tell us what really turns you off, what you like the most, what you think could be improved. Tell us about grandma’s homemade cookies. Whatever.

Your weapons:

As a beta tester, you will get builds of SuperSnoop 2.0 on a irregular basis (think anywhere from a week to a month between releases), and a tool called SSReports to send bug reports and feedback. SSReports was based on WinRep, the primary bug reporting tool for Microsoft Memphis (Windows 98), and has the same easy to use interface. Now, you have no more excuses for not submitting bug reports.. Muhahahaha!

Also, chances are there will be a mailing list of some sort used to communicate with other testers and get administrative mailings.

Your rewards:

All active beta testers that have contributed to the SS project will receive a complimentary copy of SuperSnoop 2.0, a rubber chicken, and a can of pure aerosol. We want this beta test to be fun as well as serious. If you think you can pull both of these off, scroll down just a bit more.


Think you have what it takes? Can you contribute to the SuperSnoop beta test? Welcome aboard – just fill give us a bit of information on yourself. Please be complete as possible.

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