SuperSnoop is a program to look up information on people harnessing the power of the internet. By no means is the program limited to doing one simple task: SuperSnoop is also a companion to anyone who uses the internet. It can be used to track someone down, find their home address and phone number, or aide in simpler tasks such as resolving a hostname, tracing data packets across the globe, or protect yourself from portscans.
As time goes by, watch this page for a list of features you can expect in SuperSnoop 2.0.
SuperSnoop Features
SuperSnoop is a program to look up information on people harnessing the power of the internet. By no means is the program limited to doing one simple task: SuperSnoop is also a companion to anyone who uses the internet. It can be used to track someone down, find their home address and phone number, or aide in simpler tasks such as resolving a hostname, tracing data packets across the globe, or protect yourself from portscans.
As time goes by, watch this page for a list of features you can expect in SuperSnoop 2.0.
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