FSI has been looking for a good graphic artist to finish up the prototype that has been started on its logo.
The general idea of how the logo should look is below. If you think you can jazz it up and have what it takes to finish the job, you will be mentioned in forthcoming products and will be eligible for free software from FSI.
Be creative. Send as many variations on the image as you possibly can. See if you can make it look good while decreasing the size. Make some variations on the size it is now. The more images and variations you send, the better! When finished, put it in a ZIP file and email it to fresh@arez.com
Also, when you get done with some basic stuff, see if you can “jazz it up” and make it look “fresh” and “cool”. Thats what the company is all about.
Finally, if you think my idea for a logo sucks, more power to you. Come up with some completely different ideas and I’ll look at those as well.
Thanks for all your help for helping get the company off the ground!
Andrew Niese
ICQ: 1486971 (ask for authorization and put FSI in the authorization message. I have ICQ set to ignore all people not on my contact list)
Wantded: Logo Designer
Wanted: Fresh Software logo designer!
FSI has been looking for a good graphic artist to finish up the prototype that has been started on its logo.
The general idea of how the logo should look is below. If you think you can jazz it up and have what it takes to finish the job, you will be mentioned in forthcoming products and will be eligible for free software from FSI.
Be creative. Send as many variations on the image as you possibly can. See if you can make it look good while decreasing the size. Make some variations on the size it is now. The more images and variations you send, the better! When finished, put it in a ZIP file and email it to fresh@arez.com
Also, when you get done with some basic stuff, see if you can “jazz it up” and make it look “fresh” and “cool”. Thats what the company is all about.
Finally, if you think my idea for a logo sucks, more power to you. Come up with some completely different ideas and I’ll look at those as well.
Thanks for all your help for helping get the company off the ground!
Andrew Niese
ICQ: 1486971 (ask for authorization and put FSI in the authorization message. I have ICQ set to ignore all people not on my contact list)
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