X-NetStat FAQ

August 4, 2004 fancykestrel83 Comments Off

X-NetStat FAQ

If you have a question about X-NetStat, please email me.

Last Updated: June 25, 2004

Q: Which Platform does X-NetStat Professional Edition run on?


X-NetStat Standard 5.0: Win95 (requires Winsock update), Win98, WinME, Win2000, WinXP, Win2003.

X-NetStat Professional 5.0: Win95, Win98, WinME, Win2000, WinXP, Win2003.  Windows NT 4.0 may work but is untested.

Q: When using X-NetStat Professional 4.0, I get the error message “List Index Out Of Bounds”.

A: Upgrade to version 5.0 here.

Q: How do I know what application opened a port?

A: If you have Windows XP, X-NetStat Standard 5.1 and X-NetStat Professional 5.01 will display the application EXE behind each connection.  If you do not run XP, you can use the Port Database feature to make an educated guess. For example, the port databases would tell you that connections with port 80 are usually web-browser connections, port 1214 is used for KaZaA, etc.  

Q: Are there currently any plans to introduce any type of blocking mechanism
(once a connection is attempted) in X-Netstat 5.0?

A: X-NetStat 5.0 Standard can currently kill connections manually, and X-NetStat Professional 5.0 can do this automatically using the Rules system. The Professional edition also has a Block Hostname tool to block contact with a hostname at the system-wide level.

Q: I have just installed your X-NetStat software, and what I found really surprised me. I found over hundred of remote addresses on my ports (mostly on port 1214), and I don’t know what to think about it.

A: Port 1214 is used by the KaZaA media sharing program, and all these connections you see are media-sharing connections from that program.

Q: Does X-NetStat show UDP connections?
A: X-NetStat Standard currently does NOT show UDP connections.  X-NetStat Professional does.

Q: Does X-NetStat do snmp to get info from routers?
A: No.  X-NetStat 3.0 and 4.0 used SNMP to get its information, but not anymore.


Is the  $10.00 a one time fee or  a subscription rate? W

ill you accept check or money order?

A: The fee is one time, and by registering you get free upgrades for life.  Checks and Money Orders can be sent to:

Fresh Software
1236 S. Farwell St. #1
Eau Claire, WI 54701

Q: Can I automatically have X-NetStat send the reults of tests to another machine via SNMP or email?
A: Yes.  Set up a Rule, click the Actions tab and check “Send Email Notification”.  See the User’s Manual for more information on setting up a rule.